2022-2023 Photo Gallery
Third Grade Awards Assembly
May 18, 2023
Pictures of our end-of-year award winners for third grade. Awards were earned for perfect attendance, achieving honor roll all four quarters, and for our top ten Accelerated Reader points earners.
Fourth Grade Awards Assembly
May 18, 2023
Pictures of our end-of-year award winners for third grade. Awards were earned for perfect attendance, achieving honor roll all four quarters, and for our top ten Accelerated Reader points earners.
Fifth Grade Awards Assembly
May 18, 2023
Pictures of our end-of-year award winners for third grade. Awards were earned for perfect attendance, achieving honor roll all four quarters, and for our top ten Accelerated Reader points earners.
Tornado Relief Fundraiser Pie Assembly
May 13, 2023
As a reward for raising money for tornado victims in Missouri and Arkansas, Mrs. Pixley and Mr. Scott volunteered to "receive" some pie - thrown by some of our students!
Goodwill Games
April 28, 2023
Pictures from the Stoddard County Goodwill Games
Kids' Heart Challenge
April 27, 2023
Fifth Grade Dance
April 13, 2023
Pictures from our annual fifth grade parent/child dance.
Hat Day Fundraiser for Wynne
April 5, 2023
Central students raised funds to support the community of Wynne, Arkansas, which was recently damaged by a tornado.
"Pirates 2" - Fifth Grade Musical and Songmakers Concert
March 30, 2023
Pictures from our spring Songmakers concert and fifth grade musical, "Pirates 2." The musical featured the classes of Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Lummukka, Ms. Parsley, and Mr. Scott.
Top 15 Readers Skating Party
March 14, 2023
Central's top 15 AR point earners from each grade traveled to Sikeston for a skating party!
Let's Glow! Third Quarter Reward Party
March 13, 2023
Students who earned the third quarter reward were treated to a glow party, with concessions, games, and live music!
DARE Graduation
February 24, 2023
Pictures from our fifth grade DARE graduation ceremony.
Stoddard County Scholastic Meet
February 23, 2023
Fourth and fifth grade students participated in the Scholastic Meet; these are pictures from the awards assembly.
Family Reading Night and Book Fair
February 7, 2023
Pictures from our "Reading Land" family reading night and book fair.
Second Quarter Reward Parties
January 6, 2023
Pictures from our second quarter reward game day at the BEC!

Top 15 Readers Trip to Dexter Bowl
January 5, 2023
Our top 15 AR point earners from each grade visited Dexter Bowl.
High School Choir Concert and Santa Visit
December 15, 2022
The high school choir came to sing Christmas carols, with a special guest appearance from Santa Claus himself!
"Jingle Bell Jukebox: The Flip Side!" Fifth Grade Musical and Songmakers Concert
December 1, 2022
Photos from our Songmakers concert and fifth grade musical. The musical was presented by the classes of Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Parker, and Mrs. Pixley.
Veterans Day Ceremony
November 11, 2022
Photos of our Central Elementary students attending the district's Veterans Day ceremony. Also includes pictures of our Veterans Day poster contest winners!
Family Math Night
November 3, 2022
Pictures from our Title I Family Math Night!
Fall Party
October 31, 2022
Pictures of our Central Elementary fall party!
First Quarter Top 15 Reader Reward Trip
October 18, 2022
Our top 15 readers from each grade visited Missouri Down Under in Van Buren.
Fall Homecoming Week
September 12-16, 2022
Pictures from our homecoming week dress-up days!