Central Elementary students will participate in the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Grade-Level Assessments May 2-May 11. 5th grade students will take the Science portion of the MAP test on April 26-27. We are asking for your help in making sure your child gets plenty of rest, arrives at school on time, and eats a good breakfast each of these days. Just a reminder that breakfast is served at school each day for free!
The Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Grade-Level Assessments evaluate students’ progress toward the Missouri Learning Standards.
The Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need in each grade level and course for success in college, other post-secondary training and careers. These expectations are aligned to the Show-Me Standards, which define what all Missouri high school graduates should know and be able to do. Find more information about the standards at: https://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/curriculum/mls-for-parents.
A policy statement, adopted by the Missouri State Board of Education, designated the purposes of the Missouri Assessment Program as:
Improving students’ acquisition of important knowledge, skills and competencies;
Monitoring the performance of Missouri’s education system;
Empowering students and their families to improve their educational prospects; and
Supporting the teaching and learning process.
Grade-Level Assessments provide important information that contributes to decisions concerning individual students, groups of students, and educational programs.
Students in grades three through eight are administered assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Those in grades five and eight also take Science assessments.
The effectiveness of an assessment program depends on the wise choice of assessment methods, appropriate administration procedures and accurate interpretation of results.
Grade-Level Assessments include multiple types of questions or items:
Selected Response (also known as multiple choice) items are composed of a question followed by a series of possible responses. Students must select the correct response or responses.
Constructed Response or Short Text items require students to supply an appropriate response rather than making a selection from a list of choices.
Performance Tasks/Events allow students to work through more complicated items using real world scenarios.
Writing Task items require students to write either narrative, information/explanatory or an opinion/argumentative essay.
Each test produces an Individual Student Report (ISR) that includes an Achievement Level, which will describe the student performance as Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, or Advanced. The report also includes a short description of the knowledge and skills that are typically demonstrated by students in each Achievement Level.
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) publishes a Guide to Interpreting Results (GIR) that provides additional details about the content of the Individual Student Reports. The GIR is available on the DESE website at: http://dese.mo.gov/college-career-readiness/assessment/grade-level