Attention 8th grade parents only: DHS 101 is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, March 12 in the HS Auditorium. There will be important information about HS shared at this time including scheduling classes , choosing lockers, and touring the building. There are 2 sessions scheduled. Choose the session that works best for you. Session 1 - 3:30 - 5:15 and Session 2 - 4:30 - 6:15.
3 days ago, Nancy Langley
T.S. Hill Middle School - The MS volleyball game on Monday (3/10) at home against Jackson has been moved up to allow more fans to support our varsity boys' basketball team in their sectional game. The 7th-grade match will now start at 4:30 PM. GO BEARCATS!
5 days ago, Melissa Hahn
Attention 8th grade parents only: DHS 101 is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 12 in the HS Auditorium. There will be important information about HS shared at this time including scheduling classes , choosing lockers, and touring the building. There are 2 sessions scheduled. Choose the session that works best for you. Session 1 - 3:30 - 5:15 and Session 2 - 4:30 - 6:15.
8 days ago, Nancy Langley
Yearbook deadline EXTENDED until MARCH 9. Middle School yearbooks are on sale for $25.00 now through March 9. Yearbooks can be purchased using this link:
8 days ago, Nancy Langley
For 8th grade students traveling to Washington, D.C., this summer, final payments are due to WorldStrides today. To make payments or set up an extended payment plan, it is imperative you contact WorldStrides today at 1-800-468-5899. For additional information, please email Mrs. Jinkerson.
9 days ago, Nancy Langley
Middle School yearbooks are on sale for $25.00 now through March 2. Yearbooks can be purchased using this link:
15 days ago, Nancy Langley
Important Information regarding DEXTER MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK & FIELD 2025 Mandatory Practice Begins Feb 24, 2025 @ 3:20 We Practice Everyday Get Dressed in the Middle School Locker Room Sit Together in Bleachers @ the Track Dress Warm My suggestion is to “Dress in layers.” Make sure you bring shoes for running. Failure to be properly dressed for practice will result in being marked as “late.” You MUST Have A Current Sports PHYSICAL On File REMIND: Text the following message @ghe3d63 to 81010 Google Classroom Code: dcfk7o2
20 days ago, Melissa Hahn
T.S. Hill Middle School - Thursday, February 20th will be an AMI day. Students should check their Google Classrooms for assignments.
22 days ago, Melissa Hahn
T.S. Hill Middle School - Thursday, February 20th, will be an AMI day. Students should check their Google Classroom for assignments. Stay warm and safe.
22 days ago, Melissa Hahn
T.S. Hill Middle School Students- Tomorrow, 2/19, is an AMI day. Please complete assignments in your Google classrooms. Stay safe and enjoy the snow! ❄️☃️
23 days ago, Melissa Hahn
Jr. Beta is hosting the Winter Dance at Middle School tonight, February 13 from 6:00 - 8:00 in the MS gym. Only Middle School students are allowed to attend. Once students are dropped off they will not be permitted to leave the dance until they are picked up. If students leave the dance, they can't return. It is a good idea to make a pick up plan with your student. You can use the traditional pick up lines, meet in the teacher parking lot or church parking lot., or you can use the HS back lot as a meeting place. Students will not cross Brown Pilot. They will use the cross walk and the grass in front of the tennis courts if meeting in those directions. Concessions will be available for purchase at the dance. Students can pay $5.00 at the door if they havn't purchased a ticket. Thanks a have a great day!
28 days ago, Nancy Langley
T.S. Hill Middle School- HOMECOMING WEEK DRESS UP DAYS Monday – “Disco Dreams” - PJ Day Tuesday – “Blast from the Past” - Wear retro clothes from the past Wednesday – “Hat Day” Thursday – “Groovy Swap” -Teachers dress as students and students dress as teachers Friday – “Glow Down for the Showdown” Wear Neon
about 1 month ago, Melissa Hahn
Middle School Yearbooks are on sale for $25.00 now through March 2. Yearbooks can be purchased online only at: Thanks!
about 1 month ago, Nancy Langley
Middle School yearbooks are now on sale. Students and families can purchase a yearbook at the link:
about 1 month ago, Nancy Langley
Next week we will celebrate High School Homecoming with the following dress up days: Monday – “Disco Dreams” - PJ Day Tuesday – “Blast from the Past” - Wear retro clothes from the past Wednesday – “Hat Day” Thursday – “Groovy Swap” -Teachers dress as students and students dress as teachers Friday – “Glow Down for the Showdown” Wear Neon
about 1 month ago, Nancy Langley
Middle School families, please make sure your student has a warm coat, gloves, and hat this week. Extremely cold temperatures are moving in this week.
about 2 months ago, Nancy Langley
Middle School grades for 2nd quarter and 1st semester are available in your Infinite Campus portal. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Nancy Langley
MS Christmas Spirit Dress Up Days Monday 12/16 - Red and Green Day Tuesday 12/17 - Holiday Sock Day Wednesday 12/18 - Holiday Hat Day Thursday 12/19 - PJ Day Friday 12/20 - Festive Friday - Wear Christmas Sweater or Sweatshirt
3 months ago, Nancy Langley
We have several new items in the Cats Corner Store located in the MS library. You can stop by MS to purchase these items, or purchases during our home basketball games on December 10 and 17. Thanks and have a great day! Dr. Langley
3 months ago, Nancy Langley
Cats Corner Store price list
8th Grade Parents:: Students in 8th grade ELA classes with Mrs. Warren and Ms. Phillips have finished reading The Hunger Games novel by Suzanne Collins. On Tuesday, students will begin watching the movie in class. They are allowed to bring drinks and snacks. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s ELA teacher.
3 months ago, Nancy Langley