Dear Parent/Guardian:
We are taking part in the Missouri School Climate and Culture Survey. Results from this survey will be used as part of the school improvement review during the 2024-2025 academic year. As part of this process, parents, students, and school employees are asked to voluntarily answer surveys regarding programs and services available to students.
Please take a few minutes to answer the survey at the link provided. Responses from all parents will be anonymously summarized and will become part of a report for the school district. The school district will use this report in the development of school improvement efforts.
If you have more than one child in school, please complete a survey for each individual child. If you have a child at Southwest Elementary, please choose the Central Elementary building from the drop box. The information will be summarized in elementary data and secondary data.
The questionnaires contain demographic and opinion questions. You have the option not to respond to any item or not to complete a survey at all.
Thank you for your help.
This survey is for parents and will close Friday, April 11th.
Respondents can access the survey using 1) a direct link, or 2) a QR code and authentication code.
Direct Link to Survey:
DEXTER R-XI Parent Survey Link
Or, copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser: R-XI
QR Code + Authentication Code (see below)
Using the QR code will require an authentication code to begin the survey.
DEXTER R-XI Authentication Code: 103132
If you do not see the QR code, you may need to right click to download the image.