The Dexter R-XI School District employs four nurses, one at each building site. Our nurses are specialized professionals who provide knowledgeable insight into acute and chronic health conditions, and normal growth and development. Nurses provide the following health services to support our students: assess individual student health and developmental status, promote and maintain the health and well-being of all students, develop health plans for students with health conditions, oversees immunization compliance, supervises medications, coordinate prevention and control of communicable disease, develop a system of first aid and emergency care, participate in health education, recommend new and updated health policies, and other health related support.
The Dexter R-XI School District nursing staff includes
Southwest Elementary Nurse
Lynn Averett
Central Elementary Nurse
Kim Christian
T.S. Hill Middle School Nurse
LaRhonda Gibson
Dexter High School Nurse
Jennifer Hampton
These individuals are available from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM each school day and can be reached by calling the designated building office phone number.