CPC Cleaning Service/Dexter Schools
NOW HIRING! Full-Time Evening Supervisor for the Dexter School District. Company benefits after 90 days of employment. Competitive Wages. Requirements for the position are but not limited to, training new employees, effective communication skills, both written and verbal, address employee performance and evaluations.
For inquiries call Sam Porch at 573-614-1000 ext 1101 or go to the BEC office.

If you are unable to visit MS today to stock your locker, the Middle School will be open August 13 and 14 from 2:00 - 6:00 for you to take care of this. You can also bring supplies on the first day of school, August 21. We are looking forward to a great year!

Please bring any new or gently used shoes to donate at the FBLA table today. Or you can drop them at any of the schools until Sept 6th. This is a recycling/fundraiser for FBLA. Thank you.

Central Elementary- Please make plans to attend the Back-to School Bash on July 31st from 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. in the Bearcat Event Center. Parent/Guardians need to accompany students to get their parent portal information set-up, online registration completed, school pictures taken, and student schedule. All students will need to bring a copy of their birth certificate, shot records, and any legal documents to upload into our new system.

Parents of incoming 8th graders: This is a reminder your student has mandatory immunizations due when school starts.. You can have shot records faxed to the Middle School at 573-614-1012 or bring records to registration on July 31 in the BEC.

This message is for parents of incoming 8th graders:
This is a reminder your student has mandatory immunizations due when school starts.. You can have shot records faxed to the Middle School at 573-614-1012 or bring records to registration on July 31 in the BEC.

Central Elementary- Please make sure you have signed the permission slip for the eclipse. Also, send a beach towel with your child so they can sit on while outside tomorrow.

Central Elementary- Bring $1 to wear a hat tomorrow (Friday, March 8th). All proceeds will go to the American Heart Association.

Central Elementary
The last day to order a yearbook is Friday, March 8.
Yearbooks must be purchased online @

Please enjoy a snow day video created by our very own Bearcat News team with help from Dr. Glass Enjoy!!

Central Elementary- Students will be walking to the BEC tomorrow morning for the Veterans Day program. Please have your student wear red, white, or blue. Also, have them wear warm clothes that are comfortable enough to walk across campus.

Central Elementary- Don't forget about LEGO Math Night tomorrow, Thursday, November 9th from 5:30-7:00. Please join us for a fun night of learning math using LEGO's.

Central Elementary- Please join us on Thursday, November 9th from 5:30-7:00 for LEGO Math Night at Central Elementary. Student prizes will be given away.

Central Elementary- Please join us on Thursday, November 9th from 5:30-7:00 for LEGO Math Night at Central Elementary. Student prizes will be given away.

Central Elementary-
Red Ribbon Week dress up days:
Monday, Oct. 23rd- PJ day
Tuesday, Oct. 24th- Camo day
Wednesday, Oct. 25th- Team day (favorite jersey or sport shirt)
Thursday, Oct. 26th- USA day (wear red, white, and blue)
Friday, Oct. 27th- Costume day

Central Elementary- Homecoming dress up days for this week.
Monday- PJ day
Tuesday- Camo day
Wednesday- Western day
Thursday- Hat day
Friday- Bearcat Red/Black day

Picture Day Is: Friday, September 22, 2023
Wagner Portrait Group will be photographing students for portrait packages & school records.
(Please do not bring checks, cash, or order forms to school as they will no longer be accepted.)
Online Pre-Order Password: 3C9S6T4Y

Central Elementary- Don't forget Back to School night is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 22nd drop-in from 5:30-7:00. Bring your school supplies and meet your teacher. There will be a Title 1 informational meeting at 6:30 in the Central Library.

Central Elementary- Don't forget Back to School night is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 22nd drop-in from 5:30-7:00. Bring your school supplies and meet your teacher. There will be a Title 1 informational meeting at 6:30 in the Central Library.

Good morning, online registration is open and should be completed for every student who attended the Dexter Public School during the 22-23 school year. This includes PK and K students who participated in screening. We need to make sure the information we have on your student is accurate and current. The online registration window will close on September 5, 2023. Thank you for your help.